1. Purpose of the cgvs

The present cgv can be revised at any moment and at the sole discretion of LINKIO SAS. Only the cgv in force on the date of acceptance of the order, can be disputed by the customer.

2. Warranties

This software is provided by LINKIO SAS « as is » and any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, noninfringement, and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall LINKIO SAS be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

3. Dispute and responsibility

The present cgvs are subject to french law, whether for the basic regulations or for the rules of form. In case of dispute, the parties shall seek to resolve their differences in an amicable fashion, by means of reconciliation, mediation, participatory procedure or any alternative means for resolving conflicts

As a reminder, in compliance with article 2238 of the civil code:

“the prescription is suspended as of the day where, after the occurrence of a dispute, the parties agree to take recourse via mediation or conciliation or, failing a written agreement, as of the day of the first meeting for mediation or conciliation.

“the deadline for prescriptions shall begin to run, for a period which cannot be less than six months, as of the date on which, either one or both of the parties, or the mediator or the conciliator, declare that the mediation or the conciliation is terminated. “

5. Confidentiality policy

5.1 the meaning of words, as explained by other words 

Throughout this document, we may use certain words or phrases, and it is important that you understand the meaning of them. The following is a non-exhaustive list of definitions of words and phrases found in this document:

  • “app(s)” refers to our mobile applications made available to you through apple itunes or google play or android marketplace ;
  • “privacy policy” refers to this privacy policy (pretty self-explanatory, right?);
  • “service” refers to the services that we provide, including our apps, our site, and referring you to third parties that provide good and services you may be interested in;
  • “site” refers to any website controlled by us where this privacy policy appears, including www.linkio.net;
  • “user” refers to users of our apps and visitors to our site;
  • “you,” as in, “hey, you!” Refers to you, the person who is governed by this privacy policy.

5.2 Information collected

– “personal data” means data that allows someone to identify or contact you, including, for example, your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, as well as any other non-public information about you that is associated with or linked to any of the foregoing data.

– “anonymous data” means data that is not associated with or linked to your personal data; anonymous data does not, by itself, permit the identification of individual persons. We collect personal data and anonymous data, as described below.

Information you don’t provide to us 

  • if you use our services on your mobile device, including through our app(s), we won’t collect the unique device id number.
  • if you tell us where you are (e.g., by allowing your mobile device to to use your location), we won’t store and use that information (to provide you with location-based information and advertising). If you want to deactivate this feature, you can either uninstall the app(s) or deactivate gps on your mobile device, but you may not be able to use our product anymore
  • when you allow our app to access the camera, we won’t collect any personal image. Camera is used to scan qrcode and no info is sent to us or any third parties.
  • when you allow our app to access your storage, it is that you are doing great stuff like updating your products ! No functionality to come !

5.3 Use of your information

We do not collect any information. 

Data may be sent to our servers to request for firmware updates. Product type and current firmware version are sent in the request.

5.4 Questions, contacting us and reporting violations 

If you have any questions or concerns or complaints about our privacy policy or our data collection or processing practices, or if you want to report any security violations to us, please contact us at the following address or phone number:

Tel : +33 (0)4 58 00 32 64

e-mail: contact@linkio.net

6. Legal notices

The internet site www.linkio.net is operated by the company linkio, s.a.s, registered with the registry of commerce and companies of grenoble, under the number 81177202900021, having its headquarters situated at 10ter Boulevard Gambetta, 38000 Grenoble.

         Tel : +33 (0)4 58 00 32 64

         e-mail: contact@linkio.net

Publication director: Kevin Berton

The site is housed by:

For any further information, please write to the following address: contact@linkio.net

Last modified: feb, 18, 2020